The 2015 Hawaii legislative session passed three insurance-related bills which have all been signed by the governor. Bills that have been enacted are the following:
SB0589 - We previously devoted this post to the legislation. The bill provides relief for residents in lava zones on the Big Island. The bill limits the number of property policies that an insurer can refuse to renew in a lava zone. Further, a moratorium on the issuance of policies can be lifted in a state of emergency due to the threat of imminent disaster from a lava flow.
SB0736 - Provisions relating to reimbursement for accident and health or sickness insurance benefits are amended. Further, the bill provides that prior to initiating any recoupment or offset demand efforts, an entity must send a written notice to the health care provider at least 30 days prior to engaging in recoupment or offset efforts. An entity may not initiate recoupment or offset efforts more than 18 months after the initial claim payment was received by the health care provider or health care entity.
SB1094 - This is a wide-ranging piece of legislation amending various provisions in the Insurance Code. For example, it requires a risk retention group chartered in other states and seeking to do business in Hawaii to pay an initial registration fee of $300 and to pay annually a service fee of $150. The mutual benefit societies law is amended to allow the insurance commissioner to collect advance fees for certificate of authority. The legislation requires any risk retention group dong business in Hawaii to submit to the insurance commissioner a copy of the group's financial statement submitted in its state of domicile, which must be certified by an independent public accountant and contain a statement of opinion on loss and loss adjustment expense reserves.The bill also establishes administrative fines. Finally, the bill defines emergency services to include severe pain.